Lightning Bolt + Setabuhan live in Berlin.
Lightning Bolt + Setabuhan live in Berlin.
Lightning Bolt + Setabuhan live in Berlin. I have been listening to Lightning Bolt for more than a decade now, but I never had the pleasure of watching them live. This changed in February when they played Berlin, and I managed to see their chaotic live performance. As I always do, I tried to design a poster for the concert, and this one was a hard one to explore since most of their musical material is chaotic, and I found it too complicated to play around as a designer. My idea here was to play around with colors that I don't often use and pick up the main illustration element from a project that failed on me a couple of months ago. This cat drawing was rejected for something else, but it will live on this poster for Lightning Bolt. Below you can see me playing around with vectors and the final design.